
Gryffindor & Mel Gibson

Gryffindor Beanie - $25 / Mad Max Shirt - $40 / Shorts - Somethin Somethin $80 / Socks - Rubi $10 / Bag - Vintage $6 / Shoes - Dr Martens $120

Welcome to my first outfit post. I'm new to this, so excuse the awkward poses. Modelling is definitely not one of my fortes. Just headed down to West Lakes to suss out the Crows boys training, fingers crossed for a win tomorrow night! I always plan my outfits the night before but I didn't know what the weather was going to be like this morning, so I just threw this on in a couple of minutes. Hair isn't even done! Everyone please like my photo on Lookbook here, would mean heaps!

Emma xx


  1. I recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! I love the layout to the content and everything in between! Your style is just impeccable and your blog is simply the epitome of perfection! This is a brilliant first outfit post, I can't wait to see your future posts!

    Love from, THE EASTERN PEARL

    1. Thank you so much! This is such a confidence boost! Hopefully I'll make some more posts. If you have lookbook please like my look and help me get started! x
